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You are Beloved.

Beth Hayward

Podcaster, pastor, and public theologian

I’m an experienced spiritual leader, passionate about supporting individuals and communities to connect with their core values, so that they can live their best lives. I have devoted my life to creating communities of deep care, grounded in awe, compassion, and fierce authenticity.


For the past 20 years I’ve worked mostly in churches, walking alongside people through the liminal moments of life (births and deaths, weddings and funerals, break ups, new jobs, lost

Beth Hayward

marriages...). But I’ve noticed that the church isn’t usually the place people go looking for spiritual things. Their experience there has come with too much baggage, bad press, and they’ve often been met with ambivalence.

This website is my bridge between the religious world, where I continue to work fulltime and the spiritual people who are looking for safe places to ask hard questions, aching for community and looking for leaders who won’t settle for pat answers. 

Authenticity shines out from Beth every week and in every interaction. And particularly when she is interacting with each of us, from new babies to elders


My life’s work is about inspiring hope, making complex societal issues comprehendible, seeing the sacred in all of life and inviting that wonder in others. I encourage and equip others, (individuals, families, groups), to know what matters to them, to live more authentically, to be bold in identifying their core values. I do all of this because I truly believe that your contributions to this world can ripple out to impact our common good. 


Take a look. Have a listen. Let me know how I can be of service to you as you navigate the mountains and valleys of your unique and beautiful life. 


I live and work in Mi’kma’ki, the ancestral and unceded territory of the Mi’kmaq People, in the Canadian Maritime city of Halifax - I’d love to be in touch with you wherever you are. You can connect with me here.


If you still want to know more about who I am and what I do click here.

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